We Choose Love! We Choose Democracy! We Choose Community!

We are working to create a world where everyone can live and love freely without fear. Inspired by the We Choose All of Us campaign by the Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence, this year’s conference will explore what it means to choose love, choose democracy, and to choose community. Join us to get inspired and learn how to put these big concepts into action in your daily life and work.

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Rad Care
Executive DIrector
Greater Seattle Area
Rad Care is fiscally sponsored by Allied Media Projects. We are mostly activists, artists, survivors and healers. RAD Care stands for Radical Accessible & Decolonizing Community Care. We are led by those most disenfranchised i.e. queer, trans, people of color, mixed race, indigenous, people with disabilities, people living with HIV & Hep C, sex workers, active drug users, people experiencing homeless &/or participate in street economies.

RAD Care is working to provide better services to those most disenfranchised by society by creating leadership and economic opportunities. We are working to increase mobile outreach with a syringe exchange, HIV/Hep C testing and some basic medical care. We are working on several grants to create income opportunities for individuals within these populations to do this outreach work. We are also looking into incorporating more decriminalization advocacy. We create trainings and workshops. Future goals include: outreach and medic volunteer training.